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Steriods or no?

Afternoon everyone. I am unfortunately currently in the middle of a relapse in which I have lost the feeling in both of my legs which is causing significant issues with walking among other things. It's been going on for around 12 days now so when I saw my GP and spoke to my MS nurse Friday they prescribed me the high dose of steriods (500mg for 5 days). My partner and I are/were trying for a baby as my health had become more stable before this relapse. So there is a possibility that I am very early pregnant (too early to test positive as yet) hence I am in a massive rock and hard place situation. Do I take the steriods to try and prevent the further neurological damage being caused and be able to walk properly again, but knowing the damage it would cause to an unborn baby, that if I was pregnant it was likely mean I would need to have a termination? Or do I err on the side of caution, don't take the steriods, just let the relapse run it's course and hope the damage isn't lasting? I know it's a horrible, sensitive subject but I feel like I've gone over it in my mind a million times and am getting no further. TIA.

@brickbybooks , here's a medical paper for you to read :- https://multiple-sclerosis-research.org/2013/09/clinic-speak-how-good-are-steroids-for-treating-relapses/ I hope that answers your question.


I’m sorry you’re going thru this. During a relapse I lost the feeling and ability to move my left leg so I was dragging it around. I was given the high dose steroids, but they weren’t helping me so they did plasmapheresis which brought the feeling back and I could move it again. Good luck in whatever you decide!