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Relapse lasting over two months now

I am getting frustrated as am having a relapse for 2 and a half months and no sign of it gettiing better..i have this heavy feeling of pressure in my forehead along with bad fatigue . Also had walking problems. The thing is i started tecfidera over 6 weeks ago. The flushing and gi symtoms arent too bad but i wonder is ut making ms relaose symtoms worse...

Hi Christine. It depends on what kind of relapse you had, if it's sensory, it can take longer to recover from but usually less damage is done and you recover from them fine. That feeling on your head is how I felt for a while, I still get it when I'm really tired. I can't advise about the Tec as I'm on Cladribine, it sounds like you just need abit more time to recover from your relapse? Keep smiling ☺


Thanks cheryl.