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MS & Breastfeeding

Hi to all the Mums out there. I am a 39 Mum of two & have just been diagnosed with Relapsing & Remitting MS. This has come as a shock as I was not aware that what was happening to me was two episodes of MS Flare since my 8 month old daughters birth. My Neurologist wants me time start Disease Modification Drugs ASAP & was very dismissive when I said I would be upset to have to give up breastfeeding my daughter. It looks like I have no choice As she wants me on a highly effective dose but I just wondered if there are any other mums out there that have faced the same upset & I wonder how you coped with the transition from breast to bottle? As the thought of it is breaking my heart. TIA

@indie , there's an article on this here, which might help you make up your mind :- https://www.mstrust.org.uk/a-z/breastfeeding


You might want to ask some probing questions to make sure your Neuro is a good one to manage MS. They can't know everything..but they should be aware of the hormonal effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding on MS. Or they are very much aware of the protective benefits of pregnancy and breastfeeding on MS and are concerned that you had flares regardless and are doubly concerned that when you wean your baby or your menstrual cycle returns you are at that much more risk. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/298961.php#3 I had what they thought were ON flares when I was pregnant but didn't want to do MRIs as back then (2001) there were still concerns about fetal development which have now been dismissed. It is very possible that my pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding staved off attacks until the summer she was 2. She fully self-weaned by 1 year. According to the research the hormonal protection does not last that entire time. I'd push back with some questions to make sure they are up-to-date with their research.