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Cannabis is a neuroprotectant

Here's a question: If cannabis is a neuroprotectant agent, why are neurologists not prescribing it immediately to all patients? Don't believe me? Step out of the twilight zone and see for yourself https://www.google.ca/patents/US6630507 *I am not a doctor and you should consult a professional physician if experimenting with any medication, including cannabis. Not every medication is for everybody. Furthermore cannabis is still illegal in many countries (interesting time in history as we will go down as 'the humans that banned a plant'), if you acquire cannabis, it should be done through a licensed producer that tests for quality and through a registered doctor (not Dr.Dre).

I believe it would be a benefit against the symptoms of ms, but it's just to much hassle to get, you gotta go dr to get approved which you may not depending on what dmd your on, geez it's just a plant lol


Agreed! The hassle turns off many potential patients. The world is changing fast though. People are waking up at an exponential rate right now. Also I originally thought it was only good for symptoms, but science is showing deeper benefit, such as being an antibiotic and a neuroprotectant. www.wahlswarriorrants.blogspot.com