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wheelchair physio in London

Anybody have links to wheelchair rehab/physio in London? I'm a fulltime wheelchair user with spms. i'm having regular falls so need help/guidance on how to get back into wheelchir on my own without having to call for assistance. Not having much luck with the NHS unfortunately so willing to go private.

Good morning. So I am in the US, so not much help with a referral in London. But what about this…I wonder if there is instruction on YouTube that would give really good instruction about how to handle maneuvering yourself back into your chair. If i find something, I will IM you with the link. You can learn just about anything on those YouTube videos!


@Criscross21 thank you. Loads on YouTube but I feel I'd need some assistance from someone to overlook and probably help lift me back in when fatigue kicks in. I realise you need quite a bit of upper body and core strength plus confidence... I just want my independence as I don't want to call on neighbours, family or passersby. Some wheelchair users use props, others don't. Ideally I'd use just arms and what leg strength I have left. I'll keep looking and post anything useful I might find.