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Stiff ankles, tight feet

I'm experiencing a period where I wake up at 4am and my feet and ankles feel very stiff and tops of feet feel tight. Walking to bathroom is a minor challenge but it eases up after 5 minutes, though lingering feelings throughout the day. Depending on heat or fatigue I feel like this tightness extends to calves and the rest of my legs (I've always had intermittent sensory issues in my legs but not tight muscles). I'm aware of spasticity in muscles, but what muscles are in the top of my feet?! Does this sound like normal MS issues? My ex-neurologist shrugged their shoulders and said "arthritus" which didn't help me. I find identifying and diagnosing things so confusing. All I want is validation that what I feel is MS and I can then deal with it.

@piers83 , I take BACLOFEN 20MG 1-2 depending on the day. REALLY helps me sleep.


when some part of your body is stiff and can’t stretch easily, review the amount of carb you eat and decrease it, also try to find yourself splina and start taking it. it will prevent you from most of the Ms symptoms and will dexintoxicate your body. but cutting the carbs is very important. find yourself the wahls protocol and read it. it is a very good book about Ms.