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Hello, I'm 42, diagnosed with MS at 30 and always prioritized clean eating & regular excersize. I've been on Ocrevus since 2016 after a few years on Copaxone. I began the GAPS diet and seeing incredible results. I intend to stop Ocrevus and dedicate my MS management to GAPS diet and excersize and would love to hear from others who chose this form of treatment ✌🏼

Hi I have been following the Best Bet diet for about 8 years and feel so much better on it I haven't heard of the diet GAPS been seeing a Functional Doctor who is going to help with digestive issues


Hello! I was diagnosed almost 17 years ago and I have never taken the medications that were encouraged by neurologists. I have been eating almost all raw foods for more than 12 years. I had the most improvements after I cut all lectins from my diet. I was told that I would be in a wheelchair in less than 10 years if I didn't take the medications. (I'm not) I use a maxi climber machine to improve strength and endurance. I'm afraid of the lists of side effects from the drugs.