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No pharma

Good morning group, I am curious to connect with people that have not chosen to take pharmaceutical medication and have sought relief through natural medicines and/or lifestyle changes! Please get in touch I'd love to hear your story!

Well, I'm not the best source, because I'm your typical fat American who doesn't eat right! But then, I also got such a late diagnosis that I've had no choice over the years but treat my symptoms as best I could on my own. I've found that drinking 3-5 liters of yarrow/turmeric/ginger tea every week keeps me mobile. If I drop it for a week or two, I'm stiff, weak, and sleepy. Also, as silly as it may sound, I sleep with a hot water bottle every night. I move it around between my lower back and hips, and it makes a difference in how I move the next day. Without it, there's a lot of pain, stiffness, and leg weakness. A friend of mine, diagnosed back in the day before DMT's, managed to keep working for many years after his doctor wanted him to go on Disability by severely limiting his pasta & bread intake. I'm not quite ready to go to that extreme, but I've noticed that I do function better when I focus on more vegetables and less processed fats.


Hi, I am on drugs, but there are many different diets that people talk about. I have heard of the swank diet, paleo and Wahls. I have heard that reducing saturated fats can help. I think all these diets cut down on dairy, sugar and wheat. Unfortunately I don’t know how effective they are. Some drugs are being tested for remylination at the moment, but trials have not finished yet. Clemastine has been looked at. I am hopeful that there will be more than DMTs on offer and I am sure healthy diets are always a win. I wish you all the best 👍.