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Purple/red Feet

Short story, my feet turn purple or red when walking or standing - Makes walking even harder. ( what with pins and needles being constant) So had an appointment at my local hospital on Sunday. They took the pressure of both feet, and they were the same as my Blood pressure on my arm. Good sign They said its common with MS, as my calf muscles are tight which is effecting my feet. ( doctor said they had seen worse so no operation - thankfully ) So they are going to measure me for Compression Socks

Intermittently, I have had some similar issues. Both feet turn bright deep red after a shower or bath. Sometimes have a deep purple color during the day. On spots, it literally feels like the blood is squeezed OUT until I hop in hot water, then they flush bright red. Likewise, blood pressure is good all around. This has been happening for several years. Recently I started taking baclofen 10 mg 2 times per day and it seems to have helped a lot of this issue. I agree, it must be due to muscle spasticity. Talk to your doctor about whether small dose of muscle relaxer would be ok, without disrupting your ability to function.


@Criscross21 thanks for your advice, I will check out/google the med : )