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So here I am unemployeed and sending resumes out looking at jobs I'm WAY over qualified for and getting sad knowing a service/sales job is all I will ever get. I see jobs that are perfect for me BUT I know M.S. can hit me for days and make me look like an idiot at my new job just like the last one where I got forced out because of my cognative and lack of Hand cordination So I don't apply I could do that job so much better then that freashly graducated college person . My experience my generational attitude of work ethics and integrity I would rule at that job but wait What if the M.S. makes it hard for me to do the job Maybe it will maybe it won't I feel good now BUT tomorrow ? of hell I'm not gonna apply Working a job just to pay the bills is depressing the hell out of me I know I am better then this BUt am i still better ? ? my hands are throbong now writing this - well guess I can't do that project Manager job to much typing. - Be sure to catch my Rant about social Security disability as soon as my hands get some rest

I feel u @danz. You will always do what you love to do.


I had a similar feeling of frustration/ disappointment/ realisation yesterday. I have lowered my working hours twice now but still struggle. Saw a job advert that was PERFECT for old me and for a few hours convinced myself that i was going apply. It gradually sank in how ridiculous that was. It's like occasionally i think i'm still capable of running a marathon 😅