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MS covid vaccines - admissions and deaths

Have you seen the results from the updated QCovid tool published 17 sept Risk prediction of covid-19 related death and hospital admission in adults after covid-19 vaccination: national prospective cohort study BMJ 2021;374:n2244 This has those with 'rare' neurological conditions inc MS at 2.6 times death risk, 2.3 times admission risk. Maybe this is with motoneurone lumped in with MS? Absolute risks reduced after vaccinations. I dont fully understand the later part of the paper distinguishing those in 'top 5% risk' of death -is that done retrospectively or how? And what about those of us with multiple morbidities? Or concerned about long Covid?

I was part of a ms trial and I have no antibodies in either my b or t cells. I have been told not to take my methotrexate one week before and for two weeks after my booster. I am going out, I wear a mask, touch nothing and anti bac my hands a lot.


@caromawer , yes, I was just going to say that you need to look after yourself. There's probably a higher risk of getting knocked over crossing the road than getting bad Covid!