Has anyone found Baclofen useful in improving walking?
My legs get very stiff if I'm sitting at a desk for long periods and it's also a struggle climbing up and down stairs. I have been prescribed some Baclofen but want to know if it's likely to work before I start taking it.
Hi, I tried Baclofen for 2 reasons. 1 better mobility and 2 better muscle control of my bladder. Honestly, you will have to try for yourself as I stopped the drug as I lost the little muscle control I had with my bladder completely and I felt personally my self respect and embarrassment took priority. I can still get around independently albeit slowly.
An MS friend of mine takes it occasionally for extreme stiffness, but for her it's a drug of last resort because it makes her legs go to complete cotton wool. She certainly can't walk any better while it's in her system, in fact she can't walk at all with it. Hopefully it'll work better for you but I wouldn't count on it! Have the docs prescribed your fair share of physio? This might be a better long-term way to go. Boring but effective. xx