Clinical proof and validation.

I have had optic neuritis since 2015. I lost all but minor peripheral vision in that eye years ago. It took the right neurologist who specializes in the disease to have it diagnosed properly. It is one of those areas that the neuro says ask an eye Dr. The eye Dr says you need an eye specialist and on and on it goes. Whats the diagnosis is nobody knows. No one wants to make the call because it is not their specialty. How this worked for me. After years of dead ends I picked a neurologist who specializes in MS and neurological eye issues. He looked at my scans, heard my symptoms, ran some elementary tests and ‘tada,’ “yes you really do have eye issues” optical neuritis in-fact. Oh and yes, MS too. Still nothing on any scans to prove it. Time passes. Multiple MRI’s later and there it is, in it’s full flare glory. Right on the optic nerve. Clinical Proof. Finally validation. ^^ The thing to take away from this is I had optical neuritis all along. Micro lesions are often too deep in the brain or are at odd angles that are not picked up on imagery. These are two of the many reasons why it may never show. Some times there is no physical presentation to validate your concern. It is super important to pick your Dr well. Be your best advocate by knowing what you are looking at then pick a specialist who specializes in your symptoms. Equally as important is picking a MRI machine that is the best for your insurance plan. Once you have done that stick with that machine from then on. You may never get a scan like mine that validates your condition but that does not mean you cannot get the help that you need.