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Sheffield Meet Ups 2020

Hi everyone - it’s nearly the year anniversary of our meet up group and we have grown in size and gone from strength to strength in the past year. We have welcomed people from Other towns and cities, and have really enjoyed sharing stories of our MS experience, and chatting about our holidays, our families and things going on in our lives as well as our MS. We have seen some people come and go, and we have welcomed new people on nearly a monthly basis. We have set the dates now for 2020. Please come and join us as we move into the next decade at the Site Gallery Cafe in Sheffield. We might move location at some point in the future to try new food options!! We always meet at 12.00/12.30ish and spend a couple of hours having food/coffee etc. We aren’t a group funded by any charities and so it’s a meet up group where if want to come along for a drink. Here are the dates for 2020 :- Feb 2nd 15th March 26th April 7th June 19th July 30th august 11th October 22nd November Please get in touch if you jeee anything zoe

Awesome thanks @zoeb


Doing any more meet ups let me know