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Changing neurologists

Basically I am tired of ultra cautious and I want Gung Ho from anyone who is going to treat this crap after 3 years of useless failing treatments. I am sure there are lots of people worse than me and the NHS is creaking and I don't want to be greedy but mate I am a single mother with a worthless deadbeat doing jack for his kids soon to be ex and its me or nothing (oops unrelated rant). So the question is how can I change? Is there any way to find out before I ask to be on their list what is the treatment philosophy of the doc? If I get a second opinion and I like it - does the doc have to take me on? Advice , cautionary tales or positive uplifting stuff all welcome.

@strictlysoca, which part of the country/world are you in? Maybe we could possibly give you recommendations?


@strictlysoca , as suggested above, we, as MSers, have to be our own advocates and push for the best treatment for us. That means we have to know what's available, what are the pros and cons, so we can argue the case. Have a word with your MS Nurse first and have a discussion about what you want to do and what are your options. They'll work with you and may even suggest that you get referred to another MS Specialist Consultant. So, not exactly gung-ho, but cool and calculated. :wink: