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My Sclerosis

'My Sclerosis' is a compelling Shift.ms film highlighting the daily struggles people living with MS go through, and the impact that this has on relationships and everyday routine - tasks that many people without MS take for granted. We’ve all told people we’re “fine” when we are not and know it’s sometimes difficult to share what’s really going on. Stash’s compelling short film allows people an insight into everyday life with MS and to let people know that it’s OK not to be “fine”. Watch here 👉 https://shift.ms/films/my-sclerosis #diagnosis #relationships #film

Congratulations on portraying such a genuine picture of MS.


Very well done thanks. It can become a habit to say your fine when your not really. I tend to do it at times and I think it is because we assume people rightly or wrongly do not want to hear about our struggles or it is because we don't want to feel we often have issues. I do not know about the rest of you but I have tended to just get use to worsening of a symptom or a new one and adapt and I am unsure if this is right or wrong but adapting maybe is my way of coping.