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Newbie living with MS

Hey guys! I’m new here. So one day, I woke up with slurred speech, my tongue was going sideways, the left side of my face felt icy and numb, and I was so exhausted. I went through a couple of long steps but I found out last month that I have MS; after a brain MRI with contrast. I had multiple white lesions, and my neurologist knew right away what it was after looking at the images. It is so hard to accept this disease. I was depressed in the beginning reading up on MS, etc.. while I waited for my MRI results because I had a feeling where the results were headed to saying. I’ve cried so much, been mad, sad, depressed, confused, and questioned why did something like this have to happen to me? I have toe numbness, tingly in fingers at times, and trouble remembering and concentrating. This is all so new and scary but there’s no cure, so I must adjust. Just a little but about my back story.

Sorry you’re feeling so down, v understandable and I am currently in the waiting phase but sending good vibes! I watched the videos about coping with diagnosis the other day and felt they made it feel less lonely. Take good care of you !


Everything will be better now you know - information is your best weapon for your health. One tip de-stress your life as stress makes everything worse