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NHSTecfidera being switched to generic brand - anyone else heard this?

Hi - long time lurker, first time poster here. Hope everyone is ok. Just to say that I've been on Tecfidera for the last 4 years and although initially it took some getting used to, now it's managed, apart from the occasional flushing. I just really wanted to check if anyone in the UK / London received a letter recently stating that they will be switching out the Tecfidera to a generic brand instead to save costs on the NHS? I do understand about the saving costs part, but I am honestly a bit put out that I only received the letter last week with no consultation about the switchover happening this month and a unilateral decision had been made. I've only just got used to these meds and my MS team here aren't exactly the best. I just wanted to check if this is happening across the board?

I'm on tec but I've not been told any thing. I'm south yorkshire. I used to be blood tested every 3 months but in the last month its changed to once every 6 months which is a bit unsettling.


@Claire2022 thank you for your response. I may just go back and say that I don't consent the switchover and ask for further info from them. I'm sorry to hear about your blood test delays as they do recommend regular blood tests every three months or so for those on Tecfidera - I haven't seen updated guidance on this though. I have to admit that my MS team have said that they are busy and "sometimes people get missed". Not got the greatest confidence in them! I have taken to reminding myself of the three-month mark and a few weeks before it, requesting the blood test forms. I've also requested copies of my results be sent and Google to check the parameters are within guidelines!