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Subcutaneous Tysabri

Hi, I have been having the Tysabri infusion since Feb 2020, and today just found out that I’m due to swap from having the 2-3hr infusion (monthly) to the subcutaneous Tysabri jab (monthly) in its place….. plus side is it’s a lot quicker and for the first 6 months I just need to be monitored for an hour or so, then if all OK should be a quick visit then out…. Anyone else been offered or had/having this? Interested in opinions (as have been given the option to continue the infusion if I wish?

Hi, I'm due to start Subcutaneous for my next treatment in about 3 weeks. I've been having Tysabri infusions for a year now since my diagnosis. How has it been going for you? Is there anything I should expect?


Hi, I had the subcutaneous injections for about 3-4 months and then went back to infusions. Reasons was I didn’t feel right after the injections compared to the infusions. Since returning to the infusions I’m back to normal 🤷‍♂️ . The things to expect, is ouch😳 I had mine in the stomach and maybe because i need to loose a bit of weight but my god is hurt.. hope that helps and best of luck to you. 👍