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Do I have MS?

Hello my name is Rosemary I have had pain, back and legs. Tremors in legs on side worse than the other. I feel weak.. And have constant fatigue. After walking to my parking at work I feel like I have run a marathon. No vision problems only when I am tired. Yesterday I noticed my speech was a bit off. And I felt weirs in the sense of a wave of something going through me, in my ears, head. And nausea I am seeing specialist 6 Nov. Some days I feel ok. And others absolutely tired and in pain. Like my insides are vibrating. I don't know what to think, do I have signs of MS or not. Take care of yourself.

@RoseR I think if you are concerned that having MS is a possibility, then your best course of action is to consult a doctor and then they will begin a series of examinations/tests to help clarify the situation and to eliminate any other medical possibilities. Hopefully this process will help any concerns you have.


Hi Rose - it’s impossible to say from your symptoms. A lot of the symptoms of MS are non- specific and shared by a lot of other diseases like fatigue and ‘weakness’. Symptoms that would point more strongly to MS than something else would be relapses (sudden onset of symptoms that go away after weeks to months), visual difficulties - blurred sight/loss of sight/double vision, bladder or bowel symptoms like urgency, or loss of motor power in one of your legs or arms. I’m afraid no one can tell you here what’s causing your symptoms - you would need an MRI and possibly a lumbar puncture to be diagnosed with MS.