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Intimacy/starting treatment

I have an odd few questions about starting treatment shortly as im just waiting on delivery notice for tecfidera. I have RRMS, im not sure if im over thinking everything but hopefully you guys could share some light lol So when you start treatment/on are you more proun to getting ill as i heard your immune system gets low on treatment? So i guess im worries about intimacy while taking treatment. I am single and certainly dont sleep around but its just a question if that time came if any of this makes sense? 🤦‍♀️🤣

Yes youre over thinking, you can bone who you wish. Your immune system snd getting ill shouldn’t be your concern, you can get ill like any other person with or without tecfidera. Its the side effects of tec that will piss you off, hot flushes etc. Not your ability to bone!


By intimacy I presume you mean sexual activity? Assuming you practice safe-sex as a general preventative health measure there is no reason at all a mid-grade DMT like Tecfidera will put you at any greater risk. Tecfidera is highly researched and were there to be an issue with sex and taking it then that would have become well known. Go forth, have fun, be safe ;) And don't worry about the DMT.