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Ice pick migraines and MS.

Hi everybody, I've been having severe migraines for a few days. before my diagnosis of RRMS these were frequent. I'm constantly being told by my nurse and neurologist that headaches and MS do not go together but when I look online I see a lot of people just like me. I feel like I'm being palmed and not being listened to by the people who should. Is this just me or have others experienced these symptoms? Thanks for listening Piper71a

I have had every type of headache and migraine imaginable since a young age. Mind you I also have aunt's and my mom included who all seem to suffer migraines so maybe I am predisposed to it. I just don't understand how migraines are discounted when it comes to Ms and our brains. If a lesion alone can cause a host of symptoms that are sometimes strange why couldn't Ms cause residual migraines due to progression or lesions on the brain? My neurologist stated the same thing and I kind of had to laugh as I have been living with these migraines and apparently that whole time had undiagnosed Ms since my early teens hmmm... Honestly I link past and present migraines to Ms don't really care what a neurologist says as so little is known about what causes Ms and how to cure it.


Thank you sonia1984 for responding so quickly. I now don't feel the "is it just me" vibe i've had for the last couple of years. I'm unsure how to progress. I have a good relationship with my MS nurse but really feel that we are not listened too. Next stop GP and his thoughts on the best way forward. Thank you again .