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Less Than Perfect...

I am not often mad... but today i am mad. i went to get a massage and got talking to the receptionist...we started talking about my MS and how i came to be diagnosed etc. she blurted out "Thank god you are already married... it is hard enough to find a man when you are perfectly healthy i cannot imagine trying to find someone when you are less than perfect..." I was speechless. Then I was mad. I never thought of myself as perfect or anywhere close but for a whole multitude of reasons other than my MS... being told how unattractive my health makes me made me really upset. Some people just dont think before they speak... sorry just had to get it off my chest.

That would make me really angry! Life doesn't end after a diagnosis, I met my partner after I was diagnosed


Favourite quote of a friend of mine: 'never overestimate the intelligence of the electorate'.