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Interesting info on Copaxone & Pregnancy

So I had an appointment at one of the top childrens hospitals in my province yesterday to discuss pregnancy and MS and MS drugs etc. and the Maternal Fetal medicine doctor told me that since Copaxone is a category B pregnancy drug that it is completely safe to stay on it until i conceieve as well as while i am preganant if i would like and that i can breastfeed while on it... i was shocked! She said she would have no concern for the fetus/baby at all with me on this drug... has anyone else been told this? Thanks all :) Hope everyone is feeling well today

I've been told that if I start thinking I want a baby I would need to come off it at least 3 months before trying! Good to know it is safe!


<a href='https://shift.ms/community/people/mrshawk/' rel='nofollow'>@mrshawk</a> That's gotta be great news for you, you can go ahead with your plans whilst being on treatment as well! I bet that makes things easier for you & your minds at rest as well x