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X-Ray Results show Osteoporosis (Avascular Necrosis)

X-Ray Image: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipP4q0A3wHyIStXAcnDxydfqQCjtDZAb5ed8eZElpPZjqxUextwUGyhc4ToOQ-p5dA?key=aUxLbV9oQXh0WU1qa1lOYXIwY0hGR1BKSDRHTktB I have had news that could potential change my life after 6 years of being in constant pain with my hip, I finally seen what is actually wrong with it today. I will need a hip replacement operation to fix it and it will be a long hard road ahead but it could mean I could go back to work one day if I can build up the strength enough afterwards. I still have problems with my back so that’s still an issue I need to do something about. Still it’s something to look forward to. This was caused by the poor bloody circulation to my hip over the past 5 years since my first X-Ray that showed it looking like the hip on the left but with minimal signs of damage like that on the right side. I was told that it was to far gone to be saved which says to me if they had done something sooner it wouldn’t have been as bad. Should I seek a medical negligence claim? Because I feel robbed of the last 6 year that I could have probably been working.

The past week now has been a rollercoaster of emotions and me saying the wrong things because I'm hurting. I feel like crying!


Hey, Hope you’re doing ok, and sorry to read this. Why do you think it’s worth a medical negligence claim? Who was negligent? Your GP? My understanding of avn is that it can be very rapid onset, so might not have been picked up on an earlier scan even if painful for you. I also know that the surgeries are often very successful (far better than ms treatments), so please don’t stress too much. Best wishes