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Symptoms or just human?

Anyone else have issues with trying not to chuck everything up to MS? This week I have had 2 random spells of vertigo and seeing little confetti sparkles (for lack of a bette term) in my vision. It has only lasted a couple seconds, but it still struck me as odd. At first I was worried that it might be a symptom of my MS, but after thinking about it for a bit it has been hot and my eating habits have been a little different this week. So that could be it as well. I had vertigo/dizzy spells well before I was diagnosed so it isn't really anything new and I was put on medication for it and it stopped. I have really been trying not to look at every weird thing that happens to my body as a result of MS, but sometimes I worry it is and I should be doing something about it.

Hi Morgan, I know exactly what you mean by the confetti sparkles! I get them too and the vertigo. Same as you this was before the diagnosis, unfortunately there is history of it in my family. I tend to find heat and stress make these symptoms show. With the confetti sparkles this is also a result of low blood pressure. Best Chloe x


Get that confetti shizzle !! Is it somet to do with sugar or lack of ??