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The Buck List Job - Dang!

The other night I gave a presentation on Alaska as part of my book launch. For years I was a teacher and school administrator in Alaska. My dream, education, and training pointed to the superintendent of schools position. Then MS struck, and I was on medical disability ten years ago. Fast forward to this week. A man (board member) stepped up to have a book signed and asked me to apply for the superintendent opening in their school district. "We'd love to have you." I'd be lying if I didn't admit it is tempting - very tempting. I left my career just as I was ready to transition to the superintendent role. Now, my MS has been under control for years. Dang! All my advice to new MSers is AVOID stress and GET your sleep. Both of these goals would be difficult with this job. Sometimes, it is tough to take your own advice - it's almost like swallowing nasty-tasting medication. Ugh! In the end, I'm sure I won't accept the invite to apply. Some items on my buck list are not meant to be. I just started my own publishing company and released my memoir of 20 years in bush Alaska. THAT was also on my bucket list. Prioritizing what is most important to me also means considering the price I will have to pay. The price is TOO steep for the superintendent job, but writing and managing a small publishing company to produce a few great books is doable.

When I lived in bush Alaska, I told the new superintendent that just because the floatplanes were flying, didn't mean he had to get on them. People died in those planes in bad weather. A month later I was faced was a seaplane rocking and rolling in the high waves at the dock as I tried to climb on to get home. So much for my own advice. I wanted to get home. This time, however, I have grown in my experience and will heed my own advice, as difficult as that might be.


@MelissaCook , there is good stress and bad stress. There's the stress that gives you a buzz, so that you get home thinking that was a good day. Then there's the bad stress that keeps you awake at night, concerned about the next day. Having said that, the decision is yours alone.