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Help me

I have been taking the injection GLATIRAMER ACETATE since July I have not had any side effects besides the lumps and itching. Yesterday I did my injection and I got flushed, dizzy, back pain that it was hard to breathe, got nauseous and threw up. Followed by a headache and fatigue. I probably slept the whole day. I called the advocate people to report it, they said it sounds like I had a bad side effects even though I haven't for the past 4-1/2 months. I called my neurologist and they told me that I probably hit a vein ( injection in my side stomach area) the doctor said that it wasn't a side effect. I find this hard to believe. I told her that I don't want to do the injections anymore. I really don't want any medication for this newly diagnosed MS. I will be 60 in January and recently diagnosed in June. I never had any severe issues besides that my optic nerve became inflamed. I have been told I probably had MS for years and just have been missed diagnosed all these years. I have vertigo, fatigue, back pain, numbness. Has anyone else have a reaction to the GLATIRAMER ACETATE? If so what other options were you given?

I took it for several years and never had any side effects other than the skin lumps. I take it back, one time I accidentally left on 1 syringe in a hot car (I was a chaperone on an overnight field trip). Went to the zoo all day and then got my bag out of the car for the evening. Must have spoiled the medication. After injection, my whole upper leg looked like a swollen dark red mess. I knew right away what I did wrong. But never anything like you described. There are lots of alternatives available. I currently take Tysabri infusions each month.


I had it once (injected for two years), I though I was having a heart attack or something, was super itchy and red too... That day I did my injection standing and the liquid took super long to go in, i got nervous. I suspect this had something to do with my reaction,