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Do you have to have more than 1 attack to be diagnosed??

I've got all the clinical evidence on my brain and spine and my symptoms are intense, but I've only ever had one episode of 4 days losing feeling in my leg, I'm feeling so low that my next neurologist appointment is going to say it's NOT ms as I've only had 1 attack, but my symptoms come and go on a day to day basis, I'm not supported at work without a diagnosis and feel like I'm in a rut xxx

in my experience, since I only have one lesion/evidence of demyelination, I was diagnosed with clinically isolated syndrome. It's only when I get another lesion/ remission I would get an official MS diagnosis. physically I'm fine. it's the cognitive / adhd stuff that makes it a Topsy turvy tume


in the uk, one incident is usually called CIS, clinically isolated syndrome. I had optic neuritis but they wouldn’t confirm MS despite lesions. I then had more symptoms, 6 months later, followed by another scan showing more activity/inflammation/lesions since the first. They then confirmed MS. BUT I think it depends on your neurologist and area you live in. I’ve spoken to others whose dx journey differed to mine, was faster or slower or involved lumber punctures etc.