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Oh my god, does anyone have any tips re Copaxone injections please? I thought the needle would be painful however surprisingly that is not the problem. The bit that gets me is the after sting/pain. Day 3 and it hurts! Will the pain/sting get less intense? Is there something that I can be doing better? Thanks

Hi, @Honey , this very issue was discussed here :- https://shift.ms/p/topic/copaxone-the-sting/ You can also find more advice by Googling this phrase:- "copaxone site reactions burning" Hope this helps you.


Are you manually injecting or use the auto-inject? I found that the spring loaded auto-injector kept going too deep and putting the meds into my muscle tissue. This hurts and burns like crazy for thirty minutes and then it takes a couple days for the redness and burning to completely stop. I have found that manually injecting into the fatty tissue (use a 45 degree angle) so as to get it deep enough into the fat, but not so deep as to hit the muscle tissue works best for me. In the end, a Copaxone nurse is the best person to talk to about this... hope this helps!!