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Hi, just wondering about peoples experiences of the following: Ocevus (which I think I'm ruling out because I want to try for a family at some point in the near future). Tecfidera Capoxone Many thanks

Hello! I opted for copaxone because I want to try for another baby (I have a toddler). I was also offered techfidera (alongside cladribine and plegridy) but I was told this wasn't suitable for pregnancy...? I'm only two injections in but so far, so good! A slight injection reaction (hives), especially the first one, but other than that nothing to report. I think it's widely considered to be the DMD with least side-effects. I know there's a school of thought that you should hit it hard from the off, but if you want to have a child soon then I imagine the least-stressful course of action for you would be to go with copaxone in the first instance. There's some good Facebook groups re: copaxone which I found really useful in my decision-making - just search on F/B and you'll find them. Wishing you well :)


Thank you. I hope this treatment is effective for you and send well wishes too :)