


Vumerity Day 1 - 17/04/23

Hi Folks - I'm starting Vumerity today. I had to switch from Tecfidera as I developed a a random issue in my lung and the Flushing side affects never went away for me. I was exhausted after a year on the meds. I was moved to Brabio and once I got in to my 3rd month on this DMT I ended up with severe abdominal pain so I had to stop. I've been off treatment since the beginning of December and have been waiting to see my new Neuro and new scans. I've developed a new lesion so my next drug of choice is Vumerity. Its described as Tecfidera with reduced side affects. I know I'm the 6th person in Ireland to be on this DMT so not much experience over here with the drug. I'm going to post every other day in my comments as I start this.... happy to get any feedback from whoever is on this drug. #Vumerity #tecfidera #sideeffects ******update****** I came off vumerity after 8 days as I developed a severe uti and had a constant headache along with flushing and severe fatigue for days. I don't know if it were the meds or ms symptoms but I felt chronically tired and really unwell. Will try again soon