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Burnt the food. Argh!

I think my memory is getting worse. I used to be able to do several things at once. Now I thought I could and burnt the food. Good job I didn’t burn down the house. Life is definitely more frustrating with MS. My hubby suggested writing more notes to myself. I think I would probably forget to write the note, or read it 😆. Any tips would be great, thanks 🙏.

Hi. I'm the same, have lists for everything, and postit notes all over the house. Use the alarm and timer on the phone too when cooking etc. It works so long as you don't forget what you wanted to write on the list, or lose it , or forget what the alarm is for. I hate it when healthy people say 'it's nothing, it happens to everybody as they're getting old!' It really doesn't help matters. They should read up on MS symptoms. It makes everything so much more frustrating


Thank you @catlady. I totally agree. I need to set more alarms and have more notes. I have bought myself a new notebook for Crimbo. Perhaps I need to attach string to it, and hang it around my neck 😆. I would probably still forget 😂.