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MS sucks

Hey all, I'm new to this site. Diagnosed in 2009. RRMS. I REALLY hate how its starting to impact my job. Or maybe its my job impacting my MS. All I know is its really hard to come to terms with the fact that MS causes degradation to all areas of my life. Fast paced job, busy family, no energy but I won't stop. Maybe I just needed a vent. Anyways hi everyone!

Bethiee, you have my sympathy but really that is not what you want to hear, I write a monthly blog just to let those around exactly what MS is and in my own way release tension, take a read, from the beginning it really is a laugh and you may feel a little better, but on here we are all available www.wholesorts.com


Hi @bethiee and welcome. It's the wrong strategy to fight MS. MS is a formidable foe. It's best to regard MS as an uninvited lodger that you cannot evict. It's better to try and live in harmony, rather than always have bad feelings. Stress has been seen to have a detrimental effect on your health and your MS. So, we have to plot a course through life, which allows us to attain our ambitions, without risking our health. To be sure, it's a fine balancing act.