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Anybody else research on their free time or look for diets, etc?

I'm excited to say after being in the medical field and being interested in biological systems, I was sent on a goose chase to see what could combat my MS. I had a bad run in with doctors and trusting in them for everything, I now believe we need to be our own health advocates and I do research constantly on how to improve. Recently I see a huge prevalence of heavy metals, how they interact with viruses, specifically EBV (which we all have a certain form of) and how they interact with degrading vitamin C and D. I wonder that instead of the equator effecting us because of the sun, it's the heavy metals we've used in those areas or in our foods. LMK if you have also wondered this or know anything about it, thanks :)

i am totally in agreement with you. I've always gone by the saying "let food be thy medicine,let medicine be thy food" 🙂