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Scared and confused

Hello I was diagnosed with MS in March. Due to speak to my MS nurse about disease modifying therapy options next week. Bad timing really as just having a relapse. The first since diagnosis. Had a wierd numb arm for about 3 days with poor grip. Then suddenly when out for tea my other arm felt like it had spasmed and I couldn't use it much at all. It was all tingly and both felt detached from my body and like they were weighted down. It was terrifying and I went to A&E. Did tests for a stroke etc which came back clear and they think it's my MS. I have only ever had 2 episodes of optic neuritis and so this symptom came as a shock and really has unsettled me. I feel like I just keep crying, I want my old life back as all the uncertainty of relapses is scaring me so much. My arms are now both feeling pretty numb and my grip is poor. When will this recover, will it ever? I just have no idea what to think. I don't feel like anyone understands what this feels like. Thank you xx

Physio helped me so so much. My whole right side of my body was numb. Could not walk ended up in a wheelchair. Grip putty also helped build back up my hands.


Hi Aimee! I understand ☺️ My first couple of relapses were before they could get me on meds too. I also lost the use of my right arm and hand, it felt like it was just floating behind me in the wind. No grip or strength or controlled movement. However over time it did come back over time, and now the old symptoms of that relapse is pins and needles in that hand when I get really warm or really cold. I also had optic neuritis years back as the warning sign. Whilst we’re all different and bodies heal in different ways I just wanted you to know that symptoms can fade and heal. As Eims has said grip and strength work over time will help ☺️