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Diet and MS

I had been on a gluten (in fact, I was avoiding most grains except rice that too once or twice a week) and Dairy free vegan diet for a little more than a year. I have heard people going almost symptom free after switching to such a diet (keto/paleo/vegan) but my experience has not been the same. Except for the first two to three months (when I showed some improvements), I was still deteriorating. My mother used to question me that if such a diet is not helping you, why do you insist on torturing yourself (it wasn't a torture for me, I was happy). It is now when I have switched back to my original diet (started taking wheat) that I realize how better off I was during that year. I have read several books written by neuroscientists and nutritionists talking about the hidden dangers of consuming wheat and then there is also the Wahl protocol that talks about the benefits of a keto- paleo diet. I would like to know your experience on this , what diet you have been following and the results. Note: during that year, I was taking acupuncture treatment (deterioration) followed by Chinese herbal medicines (some improvements then deterioration) followed by treating myself with some laser device (laser+ ultrasound +LEDs+ magnetic field) when my progression halted with some improvements.

Thanks for sharing your journey. I spent last week at the Mayo in Rochester MN USA as I am at the point of transitioning from RRMS to SPMS. My husband is a big supporter of disease management through diet and life style changes and has great success in managing his UC in this manner. When discussing with my neuro and Mayo they circled back that the two diseases are only similar in that they are auto-immune. MS treatments need to get through the blood brain barrier and it is harder to get treatment into the brain than into our gut. While the Drs at mayo said that everyone will benefit from a healthy diet there wasn't a specific diet that would cure MS. My husband is primarily paleo with some swank influence. The Wahl protocol is intriguing but the question is always out there of if she turned to diet because the chemo she took wasn't effectie or was the diet only effective after the chemo? If they knew there would be a ton of cured people out there. No one in her program seems to have been able to repeat her success or they would all be on speaking tours and selling books and every MS agency out there would be on board. I was in for massage today and for my hip pain she asked if I've tried acupuncture and I am intrigued. My diet is low in gluten but I don't complete rule it out.


Hi there. I went straight onto Wahls diet after waking up one morning unable to walk - I had been following her for a while. I do it as well as I can manage, a few wee exceptions. I didn't know if it was helping till I got an Ecoli virus from local water and couldn't shake it so my meals were tiny and very little fibrous vege and fruit etc. ...down I went barely able to walk again. 2 weeks back on it and this morning woke up pretty good. So....while at that stage I couldn't swear by it I do feel it helps. I also follow Pam Bartha, do you know her? I would seriously recommend checking her out, she was diagnosed 29 years ago and the epitome of healthy - has a very similar diet but also goes into the need to treat one self for underlying infections and parasites. She has a Facebook page and heaps on Youtube.