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Just went to the dentist and saw the dental hygienist. She asked if anything had changed with my health so I mentioned being recently diagnosed with MS. She didn't say anything. AT ALL. For 30 minutes until the appointment was over at which point she launched into a talk on functional medicine and the microbiome and how I should give up wheat and dairy as it'll probably cure me, and how MS is caused by toxins in my environment so I should also give up air fresheners and perfume... I smiled sweetly, nodded and said thank you. Does she have a point? And also, what the heck do you say in these situations?

I’m not 100 percent sure about giving up wheat and dairy. However I have talked with a few natural paths and they have said Dairy causes inflammation. Not sure about wheat... nor have I heard about our environment and toxins. I’m sure it has some part of it. I have been reading about how childhood trauma can cause MS.. who knows really... we have been told that not enough vitamin D can cause trauma. Idk...


Okay, you were given advice by a dental hygienist on the subject of Multiple Sclerosis. I know scientists are talking about micro-bacteria in the stomach, but nothing has been proven as of yet. As for the other stuff that she was going on about, well, that's all conjecture and I believe you are being led down the garden path. All you can do is just smile and nod when people try to give you advice about during Multiple Sclerosis. That's what I tied to do. Sometimes it's not easy. But nonetheless, you have to endure the periodical advice from people that have no idea about the condition. Having said all that, all she is trying to do is help you.