Someone help me please

Can someone please give me advise? I have not been diagnosed wirh MS bur i have like all symptoms. I am in unbearable pain im chest back right arm legs. Ive had ir for 2 months and its getting worse. I can only stand now for like 5 mins my legs get tired ans i get so short of breathe. Food getting stuck in throat i am now not making it to bathroom. Im only 49 and my body hurts bad. I also cannot remember anything. I also have had hallucinations. Does this sound like possibly MS? Please someone give me advise. Im sick of er keep doing cat scans chest exray tell me im fine its anxiety cause i shake god bless

Sounds like something... MS... well I am far from qualified to say. I would suggest discussing your various issues with your GP and asking for an MRI referral. That would give you a definitive idea if it is MS.


I think you need to have your heart checked.