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I need some direction on what to do. I’m suppose to start Ocrevus soon, however, I have been putting it off because of the COVID. The only thing is.. my feet keep going numb A new symptom I have been experiencing. The last time this happened the numbness traveled up my legs and I wasn’t able to walk (first attack). I’m so afraid of that happening again. I’m conflicted...

Hi @kelly-hornick. Well, there is a chance they will cancel your first infusion, which is what they did with all Ocrevus a few weeks ago. However, since then, they have been re-assessing the risk level and it's not as high as thought. Your hospital will be the decision makers based n the right evidence. But, there are lots of Ocrevus folks on here. Have you checked out all the recent activity on here regarding Ocrevus? Lots of specialist input on here with really important links. Lots of support on here for you


@kelly-hornick Hi. The advice is that Ocrelizumab can and will be used where, in the opinion of the neurologist, the risk of delaying initiation outweighs any potential harm. The benefits are well known and thoroughly researched. The harms are theoretical and seeming less likely than first hypothesised. (I am on ocrelizumab so follow this closely). In several of the videos I have recently made for Shift.ms it has been asserted by different clinicians that really, most MS meds at the potentially riskier end of things, the use of a medicine is all about individual patient circumstances with the aggression and speed of progression of the individuals' MS, the risks of future and irreversible harm to brain, spine etc all weighed up. With medicine, it is always a risk/benefit analysis. I'd quiz my medic most intently but providing they gave me cogent well-reasoned answers then I'd follow their advice. They have your interests at heart.