Ocrelizumab - Even More +ve Data

Not the worst thing I have read today! - Ocrevus’ Early Use May Lower Need for Walking Aid by 49% Over 6 Years - https://multiplesclerosisnewstoday.com/news-posts/2020/04/28/new-6-year-data-for-genentechs-ocrevus-ocrelizumab-show-earlier-treatment-initiation-nearly-halves-risk-of-needing-walking-aid-in-relapsing-multiple-sclerosis/ - Ocrelizumab (Ocrevus) now has a 20% market share in the US! I see why induction therapy - hitting it hard and early - is being increasingly favoured over the tippy-toe up to it with old drugs approach. - The idea about medicating for the prevention/reduction of future disability is really what underpins the induction approach.