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Increasing nerve pain

Hi all, I just wanted to ask you all a quick question as its been playing on my mind and I'm not due to see my MS Dr until the new year. I had my first relapse in October 2014 which affected my lower body. After steroids it all went back to normal apart from this lingering pain around my knees. It feels like I've ran a marathon everyday. It was on / off until about August, were some weeks it would be more noticeable, some weeks not so. Then from August the pain has been intensifying, I notice it all day every day now. I've been on Gabapentin for 3 months and take 1 - 300mg pill before bed. At first it helped, now not so much. My question is, does this mean that things with my legs are getting worse? The mobility in my legs seem fine, but I'm not sure if more pain means the situation is getting worse? Thanks, V

@domalip , not all pain relief works for everybody. Gabapentin is the usual first choice, as it's the cheapest. Have a word with your MS Nurse and let her know the situation. Pregabalen might be a better choice for you. However, both Gabapentin and Pregabalen are for Neuropathic, or sensory, pain. If you feel that the pain is more physical, then you may need to see a neuro-physio. MS can cause areas of weakness and we try and compensate. And this compensation can introduce bad practice, putting unnatural pressure on parts of the body. A Neuro-physio can identify these problems and suggest exercises to resolve. Once again, your MS Nurse is the first person to talk to if this may be an issue,


hi @domalip, yes i have nerve pain in my right leg after a small flare up from the stress of diagnosis a few years ago. at first i was driven demented with the pain and still have days when the pain in my leg, bum and pubic bone all solely on my right side can drive me to distraction. i had one of those days yesterday actually. i take amitryptiline (not sure of the correct spelling sorry!) which has helped a bit. i don't think it means the situation is getting worse necessarily. you can have intensifying / new symptoms without having new lesions. hope this helps :)