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primary progressive anyone?

I recently got diagnosed with primary progressive MS. I know that any type is bad but when ever i talk to anyone about it they say "it's not that bad", "i have a friend with it"..... and it always turns out they have the remitting one. Does any one with the progressive kind, feel trapped? and doomed

Hi Dave, you know, there really isn't a better or worse type of MS to have - even within the different types it varies so much. Some people with RRMS have frequent bad relapses, and some people with progressive MS get worse very gradually over decades - so slowly you can hardly notice it.


Hi Dave, yep I'm a PPer. I'd go with what Kate says, they're all naff as, but one perk of PP is we don't have the unknown of relapses. I def had (and have) phases of 'trapped & doomed', but then I do the Cheesy Moment & think of everything I've still got & can still do (7 festivals this summer!). Stay cool, stay strong, keep talking with good mates and family, and you'll find ways to laugh at the stupidity of it all (then forget them, then remember them again, then...).