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No changes on MRi

Can someone please advise that if having optic neuritis in March and an MRI in August should they see a lesion? As my results have said no change since the last one in December and each previous yearly MRI has said the same, no activity or change. I just think it's weird how there is nothing there? The optic neuritis happened after my 1st covid vaccination and lasted 3 weeks. For this reason my neurologist will not escalate my treatment but I am still to discuss this with him in December.

@shopaholic84 , having a vaccination introduces an "intruder" into your body. It is natural for you immune system to be activated to see if the intruder is friend or foe. It is this activation of our compromised immune system that can temporarily exacerbate our MS symptoms. This is known as a "pseudo-exacerbation". Once our immune system settles down again, so does our MS.