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I’m sure this is already been discussed but for those of you who do not sleep what do you use? What have you been prescribed? I can’t have marijuana or anything with CBD because of my job function. I take magnesium every day and I used to try Benadryl but that stopped working. I also used to take valerian but because I’m on Zoloft I can’t. There’s a big interaction Thanks

Ever since my diagnosis, some 15 years ago, I've been plagued by sleeplessness. I tried SO many things to help with it. The two things that made a real difference were Circadin (Melatonin) and, sorry, I know you said you can't, marijuana. Circadin was great, totally helped with sleep with no suggestion of hangover the next day. You can get marijuana privately (I was quite queasy about this but, y'know, needs must....). I make cookies from it and have settled on a dose that means I sleep EVERY night, but don't ever feel in any way 'stoned'.