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My right arm keeps going numb and I have lost a lot of strength in it. I have had the summer off and have literally done nothing but I have just started uni and feel I am unable to hold and write with a pen properly. I haven't had many relapses but this is soooo frustrating, I was just wondering if there are any treatments out there to help with this problem.

@reynoldss , first things first, let your Uni know formally that you have MS. They will take this into consideration and they should provide assistance for you. As to the numbness, also known as Dysaesthesia, or Paraesthesia, this is the brain providing incorrect signals to that part of the body, as it receives incorrect information from the nerve endings. The weakness is also caused by the same fault - your arm isn't really weak, but your brain believes it is! Do you find these "sensory" problems seem worse at times? They can be influenced by what you've been doing, e.g. when you're over-tired or stressed. It's a case of finding a way to manage these symptoms. Finding a balance in life does help, i.e. a balanced lifestyle, with a balanced healthy diet. Not a lot of chance really, as you are a Uni student! :lol: You should have a chat with your MS Nurse and update them with these problems. They might suggest some medication to help or even refer you for some physio.


Yes, indeed, there may be that things can be done if it is a relapse, with current inflammation. As has been said, get some tumeric, I take a capsule a day. At the beginning of my last relapse I was coping with not being able to hold the phone at work and write a message. That has worn off now and hand is sore sometimes, but I don't have those difficulties. I can't write clearly, read my own writing or spell, but those things were always true!Good luck. If it is longer lasting then phisio may be able with your hand as they have done with my legs. Jx