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3 weeks ago i was put on steroids as my current relapse was showing no signs of doing anything really, but over the last 2 days i have developed very sore/itchy spots/sores on my face, head & Neck (i know i sound absolutely gorgeous ;))anyway, has anyone else experienced such lovely side affects and please tell me i will be back to my stunning (if only!) good looks soon, oh! and to top it all the steroids dont seem to have done anything at all to my symptoms *kicks wall* that hurt........now thats not MS

I had steroids this time last year it took weeks for any of my symptoms to start to fade away, I also looked very spotty, still have a lot of the scares but they are slowly fading, hope you get some relief soon!


<a href='https://shift.ms/community/people/kerrylousie/' rel='nofollow'>@kerrylousie</a>, steroids aren't a quick-fix. Yes, there may be immediate effects, which I hope would be the spots/sores. But, the high-dose steroids supplied are to compliment the steroids naturally produced by your body. They'll work by assisting your body to recover over the course of the next 2-3 months. So, be patient ("patient"? An unfamiliar word in the female dictionary! :))