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Waves of numbness and electrical sensation when moving around

Does anyone experience this? I'm not talking about Lhermitte's sign (which I also get) as it's much more widespread and not triggered by neck movement. It's usually worse when my MS is generally worse and my fatigue levels are high. Sitting still it calms down a bit, but when I get up to do something like put laundry away, get dressed or make a cuppa the electrical/numb waves start in my chest mostly and radiate across my body, up to my face and down my limbs, particularly my left side. The sensation also comes with a feeling of weakness and loss of balance. I usually can't push past it as it just pushes back harder.

Hi. I went through all of that before. Please buy on Amazon healing Ms written by Ann borroch and read part 3 and 4. Part 3 tells you the food to avoid and to eat. Start avoiding those foods and you will feel better. Please find the book and start reading it and avoid the food


If you want I can share with you some good podcast that will help you but I will need your email address.I don’t know how to post them here.