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Immunosuppressed advice.

So I guess with Ocrevus I'm immunosuppressed now. I'm not really getting a solid answer from any medical professionals in how seriously I need to be with this. Wash my hands and wear a mask? Stay away from snotty kids? Become a hermit? Any advice is good advice. Would also take silly answers to win a prize x

I hear you fella ….I hear you !!! the advice is don’t shield take precautions mask, gel, (personally I avoid public transport as much as poss) but that’s it now ‘ get on with it attitude’ which I’m not exactly impressed with considering everyone I give a damn about is on the frigging hit list but ‘ the mental health thing’ is a huge point too ….can’t live your life in fear either otherwise you will be the one that’s misses out and for what??? Take care of yourself mate 👍💪✊🤞🍀


Hey @facemanfacey, fellow Ocrevusian here. I live life normally, caught COVID once, and it sucked just as much as it would have sucked had I not been on Ocrevus. I wash my hands, and avoid licking doorknobs and kissing strangers. As a general rule I avoid snotty kids, not because of Ocrevus, but because ewww.