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Rehab for double vision?

Most of my double vision subsided a couple of weeks after taking steroids (end of August - 2 months after it initially started), but my eyes still feel slow, and when I open my eyes first thing in the morning, I get double vision for a second. My neuro told me to wear an eye patch and alternate it every 3 hours, but I find it very uncomfortable, specially when looking at a computer. Were you adviced something similar, even if most of your diplopia was gone? What other rehab exercises were you told to do?

My first attack was diplopia and I had to wear an eye patch for 2 months in order to see straight at all. However, I did not alternate, I always covered the same eye. When it finally returned to normal (month 3) I would still see double whenever I was sleepy or getting tired (waking in the morning, right before bed time and a few times mid-day but only for an hour or so). By month 5, no more double vision 😊. Unfortunately, there weren’t any rehab recommendations but, my vision did slowly return back to itself. I know the waiting game sucks but hang in there and just make it as easy for yourself as possible in order to see. My advice is to get a cool eye patch and be pleasantly surprised when you don’t need it anymore. I hated it at first and it was really weird to get used to but, I had one custom made and eventually adjusted to it being the new normal since being unable to see without it was far more uncomfortable. Hope this helps in some way.


I had double vision too and wasn’t advised on any rehab. Just covering the eye affected. Unfortunately, it is the hardest thing to accept, but it’s just time that will heal. It’s horrible but it will get there! Stay strong brother!